Why Aarons Use Treated Pine

The transformation of backyards into cherished outdoor living spaces is a trend that’s gaining momentum, with sustainability at its core. At Aarons, we are at the forefront of this movement, predominantly using treated pine, a material lauded for its strength, versatility, and environmental benefits. Pine grows quickly and is one of the most user-friendly timbers for commercial and domestic projects, accommodating a range of designs due to its ease of handling and adaptability to various finishes.

Since pine is naturally susceptible to decay and pests, Aarons uses only treated timber. This treatment imbues the wood with fungicides and insecticides, ensuring durability, especially in outdoor applications like pergolas, retaining walls, and gazebos. Our promise extends to your family’s safety—our play products are crafted with kid-safe timber, adhering strictly to legal standards that ban CCA pine, ensuring peace of mind and quality. By integrating treated pine into nearly all our offerings, we champion a sustainable future and ensure your outdoor transformation’s longevity and aesthetic appeal.

The Significance of Timber in Outdoor Construction

Timber has an enduring legacy in construction, dating back to ancient civilizations, where it was the backbone of early architectural endeavours. As a testament to its versatility and strength, timber has been the material of choice for builders, shaping structures that have stood the test of time. In the evolution of outdoor living, timber’s role has been pivotal. It has facilitated the transition from mere functional spaces to sophisticated home extensions, embodying the essence of comfort and natural elegance.

W A U T PThe backyard transformation witnessed in recent decades has further cemented the position of treated timber and treated pine as materials that blend tradition with innovation. With its enhanced durability, treated timber has made it possible for outdoor living spaces to endure and thrive in the face of environmental challenges. Treated pine has become synonymous with outdoor living, offering a sustainable, sturdy, and aesthetically pleasing option for those looking to enhance their connection with nature. Its use in decks, pergolas, and other outdoor structures underlines the integral role of timber in the fabric of our outdoor sanctuaries.

Advantages of Timber

Timber’s time-honoured presence in outdoor construction is no coincidence. Its benefits are multifaceted, offering aesthetic, structural, and comfort advantages. Here’s a detailed look at why timber remains a preferred choice:

Aesthetic Appeal

  • Provides a natural, inviting look with unique grains and tones.
  • Easily adapts to different styles, from classic to contemporary.
  • It can be stained, painted, or left natural to blend with outdoor themes.


  • Suits a diverse range of applications, including furniture, decking, and framing.
  • Works well with other materials, allowing for creative design combinations.

Durability and Strength

  • When treated, it resists decay, pests, and weather-related damage.
  • Capable of supporting substantial weight, making it reliable for structural use.

W A U T PInsulation Properties

  • It acts as a natural insulator, keeping areas cooler in summer and warmer in winter.
  • Contributes to energy efficiency in outdoor living spaces.

Natural Comfort

  • Absorbs and releases moisture, maintaining a comfortable outdoor environment.
  • Harmonizes with the outdoor setting, creating a seamless indoor-outdoor transition.

Timber and Sustainability

Timber is a beacon of sustainability in the construction sector, primarily due to its renewable nature. Trees, the source of timber, are cultivated and harvested in a cyclical fashion that can be maintained perpetually, provided that responsible forestry practices are in place. This growth and harvest cycle ensures that timber resources can be replenished over time, unlike non-renewable building materials such as metal or plastic, which rely on finite resources that diminish with extraction.

W A U T PWhile metals and plastics require high energy inputs and generate significant pollution during production, timber is produced using solar energy and absorbs carbon dioxide, making its lifecycle more sustainable. The sustainable management of forests from which timber is sourced secures its supply. It supports biodiversity and ecological balance, starkly contrasting the extractive nature of non-renewable resource industries.

Environmental Impact

The environmental impact of timber production is markedly lower than many other construction materials, owing to its lower carbon footprint. Timber’s growth process naturally sequesters carbon, as trees absorb carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and store it within their fibres. When timber is used in construction, this carbon remains locked away for the lifespan of the building or object, effectively making each timber structure a repository for carbon. This beneficial characteristic positions timber as a key player in strategies for reducing greenhouse gases and combating climate change, especially when compared to materials like concrete or steel, which are energy-intensive and produce higher emissions levels during their production.

Certification and Responsible Sourcing

Sustainable forestry practices are critical to ensuring that timber remains a viable and environmentally friendly resource. These practices include careful management of forests to prevent overharvesting, preserving biodiversity, and protecting the ecosystem. Certifications such as those from the Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) and the Programme for the Endorsement of Forest Certification (PEFC) are paramount in this endeavour. They ensure that the timber has been sourced from forests where rigorous environmental, social, and economic standards have been met. Certified timber supports responsible forestry, promotes ethical supply chains, and helps consumers make informed decisions that contribute to conserving our planet’s forests.

Why Treated Pine?

Pine’s natural characteristics make it an excellent candidate for outdoor use, mainly when treated. Its cellular structure allows it to absorb preservatives effectively, enhancing its resistance to decay, insects, and fungal growth. The treatment involves infusing the wood with protective chemicals, extending its service life even in harsh outdoor environments.

W A U T PTreated pine stands up to the elements, from scorching sun to torrential rain, making it a durable choice for decks, fences, and garden structures. Its adaptability to various finishes and its ease of use in construction adds to its popularity. Treated pine is a sturdy foundation for outdoor living spaces and ensures longevity and sustained beauty over time.

Health and Safety Considerations

Consumers can be reassured that treated timber in outdoor settings is safe for families. Stringent regulations ensure that the chemicals used for treating pine are within safety standards. Modern-treated timber is designed to be non-toxic, reducing health risks and providing a safe environment for both children and pets.

Maintenance and Longevity

Regular cleaning and occasional resealing are recommended to maintain treated pine. Treatment significantly extends timber’s lifespan by preventing rot and deterring pests, ensuring that structures like decks and pergolas can last for decades with proper care, thus maximizing your investment in outdoor living.

Designing with Timber: A Blend of Functionality and Aesthetics

Structural Design

Timber’s structural capabilities allow it to be the star of outdoor designs, from the sturdy pergola beams to a gazebo’s intricate latticework. Innovative case studies reveal timber’s flexibility, as seen in multi-tiered decks and eco-friendly treehouses that meld strength with sustainability.

W A U T PAesthetic Considerations

Design aesthetics with timber range from sleek, modern lines to the timeless charm of rustic finishes. Its ability to take on various stains and paints makes it a favourite for those seeking a return to natural, earthy environments, aligning with current trends that favour authenticity and connection with nature.

Customization Potential

Timber’s adaptability affords immense customization potential to suit individual tastes. Expert artisans can shape timber to specific design requirements, creating personalized outdoor structures that reflect homeowners’ unique styles and functional needs. This makes every timber project a bespoke addition to any home.

The Economic Perspective


Investing in timber structures offers long-term value due to their durability and low maintenance costs. Compared to materials like vinyl or composite, timber often has a lower initial cost and, with proper care, can last just as long, if not longer, making it a cost-effective choice for outdoor projects.

Impact on Property Value

Timber structures not only enhance outdoor living spaces but can also significantly increase property value. Their natural aesthetic and sustainable qualities are highly appealing to modern buyers, who value both the beauty and environmental consciousness that timber embodies.

Challenges and Solutions in Timber Usage

Weathering and Durability Issues

Timber in outdoor settings faces challenges like moisture, pests, and UV damage. To mitigate these effects, regular sealing, using water repellents, and choosing treated wood designed for outdoor use are effective strategies to preserve the timber’s integrity and appearance.

Technological Advancements

Innovations in timber treatment have led to more durable and eco-friendly preservatives, enhancing wood’s resistance to natural decay. Integrating nanotechnology and smart sensors represents the future of timber technology, potentially enabling wood to self-repair and adapt to changing outdoor environments.

W A U T PAddressing Misconceptions

Common myths suggest that timber is high-maintenance and less durable than synthetic materials. However, modern treatment processes have dramatically improved timber’s longevity and resilience. Educating consumers on these advancements helps clarify the reality of timber as a robust and practical choice for outdoor living.

Aarons Outdoors: Company Overview

Aarons Outdoors has cemented its reputation as a leader in the outdoor living industry, offering an extensive range of high-quality timber products, from pergolas to play equipment. Our commitment to excellence is reflected in our diverse catalogue, catering to both residential and commercial clients seeking bespoke outdoor solutions.

Sustainability is at the heart of Aarons Outdoors’ ethos. We source timber from responsibly managed forests and employ eco-friendly processes to minimize their environmental footprint. Quality is assured through stringent quality control measures, ensuring that every product meets and exceeds customer expectations while promoting green living standards.

Take the Next Step with Aarons Outdoors

At Aarons, we understand that the natural characteristics of timber, like surface checks, can cause concern. Rest assured, these checks in pine are genuine and will not compromise the integrity of your structure; they’re simply part of timber’s living charm, adjusting with the seasons. Our commitment to quality is evident in every piece we create. Join the many satisfied families who have trusted Aarons to transform their outdoor spaces.

Explore the sustainable potential of your outdoor space with Aarons Outdoors. Embrace the union of eco-consciousness and elegance. Dive into Aarons Outdoors for inspiration, or contact us for tailored assistance. Let’s bring your vision for an outdoor sanctuary to life.

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