The DO’s & DON’T’s With A DIY Backyard Transformation

Just look at the popularity of TV shows like The Block and the surge in recent house prices. Transforming your outdoor space into something special is fulfilling, mainly when you’ve done much of it yourself. A recent study by showed that 78% of future renovators will complete some or most of the work themselves. It proves that Aussies love a bit of DIY regarding backyard renovation and design.

In this article, we’ll share our industry expertise to ensure you get on the right track with your backyard design and renovation.

DO Protect Yourself

Protective gear is essential to any DIY project, especially with power tools. A 2012 DIY safety survey by 3M revealed that while 90% of people understand the importance of wearing protective clothing, 60% don’t bother to do so.

Neglecting to protect yourself can be the difference between an excellent backyard renovation and a trip to the hospital. Gloves and protective eyewear are necessary when getting your hands dirty, whether building a cubby for the kids or a man cave for you and your mates. Don’t take any chances with your safety – equip yourself with the right gear to ensure your DIY project in your outdoor spaces goes smoothly and without incident.

DON’T go near electricity!

Unless you are a certified electrician, you should never attempt to do any electrical work yourself. It’s illegal to do so, and for good reason.

Faulty electrical work can lead to severe problems, including electrical fires and even injury or death. The risks aren’t worth it. Suppose your backyard build requires the installation of a hot tub or any other electrical components. In that case, you must contact a certified professional to ensure everything is done safely and up to code.

Attempting to DIY your electrical work could have dangerous consequences that far outweigh the cost of hiring a qualified electrician. Don’t risk your or your family’s safety – leave the electrical work to the experts.

DO make sure to check local council and building regulations

Ensuring your project meets all local council regulations and size restrictions is crucial. The last thing you want is to spend time and money building something only to pull it all down because it doesn’t comply with the rules.

Aarons can take the hassle out of this process, starting with a comprehensive site inspection to assess soil conditions and ensure your vision aligns with your local council’s requirements. We’ll then guide you through the process, handling all the paperwork and approvals to get your low-maintenance backyard wish list project certified and ready to go.

DON’T play with gas!

Like electrical work, even the most confident DIY builders should never try to install and connect gas appliances. Not only is it illegal, but it’s also hazardous.

Attempting unlicensed gas work puts you and your family at serious risk. Faulty gas connections can lead to gas leaks, explosions, and potentially even loss of life. It’s simply not worth the gamble.

Instead, avoid the risk by contracting a professional gas fitter to prepare your backyard barbecue or outdoor kitchen for fire. They have the expertise and licensing to ensure everything is installed safely and up to code.

Your backyard dreams are worth protecting, so don’t jeopardize them by trying to DIY your gas setup. Stick to the pros and enjoy your new outdoor space with complete peace of mind.

DO follow instructions

When it comes to your backyard project, don’t let confidence get the better of you. Even the most experienced DIY enthusiasts should always take the time to read and follow the provided instructions carefully. Sure, you may think you know what you’re doing, but skimping on the instructions can lead to costly mistakes that could have easily been avoided.

DON’T rush

Rushing through the work can have disastrous consequences, leading to sloppy results or dangerous accidents. The old saying “Rome wasn’t built in a day” applies here.

Before you begin, realistically estimate how long the project will take—factor in breaks, unexpected challenges, and the need to do things properly. Then, work around that timeline rather than trying to power through as quickly as possible. Rushing leads to mistakes, which can ruin all your hard work or put your safety at risk. Take it step-by-step, and you’ll end up with a backyard oasis you can be proud of.

DO ensure you are using correct, quality, and working tools

First, ensure you have access to all the required tools for the job. Trying to make do without the right equipment can slow you down and put you at risk of injury or damaging your materials.

Additionally, always inspect your tools before use to ensure they are in good working condition. Damaged or tangled electrical cables on power tools are a safety hazard that should never be ignored. Use each tool only for its intended purpose – improvising can lead to disastrous results. Prioritize quality, functionality, and safety when equipping yourself with your backyard DIY endeavour.

Don’t forget to clean your workspace as you go.

While leaving tools, nails, and other debris scattered around your backyard workspace may be tempting, resist the urge. Keeping your work area clean and organized as you go is crucial for both safety and efficiency.

Think of it like cleaning your bedroom before vacuuming—you wouldn’t want to navigate piles of clothes and clutter while trying to tidy up. The same principle applies to your DIY project. Please take a few minutes after each step to put things in their place and sweep up any mess. It’ll help you avoid nasty accidents and save you time in the long run.

DO have fun with it!

Finish off your backyard build by adding a touch of flair with a fresh, vibrant colour scheme. Whether you opt for bold and bright or calming and earthy tones, the final exterior touches will genuinely bring everything together and make your new outdoor oasis uniquely you.

DON’T hesitate to ask for help.

If at any point you feel overwhelmed or unsure, don’t be afraid to reach out for help. Calling in a few friends to lend a hand with reading the instructions or taking on portions of the work can make the process much more manageable.

Unlock Your Backyard Potential

Now that you know the essential DOs and DON’Ts of DIY backyard projects, it’s time to start bringing your outdoor dreams to life. Whether you’re tackling the build yourself or need extra help, the team at Aarons Outdoors is ready to make your backyard vision a reality.

Contact us today to learn how we can transform your space, from initial planning and council approvals to the final creative touches. With our expertise and your flair, the possibilities are endless.

Call us now to get your backyard projects started!

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